To recreate the most traditional style of Roll Top Baths, your bathtub should be free standing on decorative feet. Some Roll Top Baths use a dais to elevate the main tub away from the floor. Free Standing Bath designs have aesthetic as well as practical purposes. 18th century Roll Top Baths were made using this type of design; your own modern day retro Roll Top Bath should also have the classic freestanding design. However, there are many semi modern styles of Roll Top Bath that will drop quite nicely into a traditional bathroom.

Another specific feature of a Roll Top Bath is its curved rounded edges. Classic roll top bathtubs do not have corner edges. The most popular Roll Top Bath tends to be what's known as a Slipper Bath. This is a classic design of Roll Top Bath with a high back that offers the most comfortable of bathing positions. Every fixture around the tub should be rounded and smooth, carefully choose a modern Roll Top Bath with these distinguishing features and you will be pleasantly satisfied. The smooth and rounded edges will help to create a comfortable and subtle feel, allowing you to recline and rest your head whilst soaking in your tub.

Another distinct feature of a Roll Top Bath is the dimensions as they are deeper than a normal bath. Due to a Roll Top Bath being so much deeper, you can soak your whole body inside the tub. Modern Roll Top Baths are made from different types of materials such as cast iron and acrylic. Cast Iron roll Top Baths tend be a lot more costly but offer a more realist traditional Roll Top Bath feel. It's also worth remembering that Acrylic Roll Top Baths tend to keep the water warmer for a while longer. Modern Roll Top Baths are usually double skinned which also assists with maintaining heat.


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What exactly is something that's "gone viral" and why do some things "go viral" while others don't? Can this be predicted, or is it completely up to a whim or some ethereal "x factor" that some things have and others just don't?
The Facts of ( Viral ) Life So what does viral mean? Viral refers to something that self-propagates, or in the marketing sense, something that spreads by word of mouth, peer-to-peer, as opposed to strictly from an official advertisement.

Going viral is valuable because the intended audience does all the heavy advertising work for you, ideally at an exponential rate. This saves money and resources in advertising costs and usually means more potent audience penetration; people are more apt to believe their peers than an advertisement.

People like to hear themselves talk, not be talked at. So when someone with similar interests whose opinion you hold in high regard recommends something, you are more likely to follow up on that suggestion than if you received that same call-to-action from some generic public advertisement.

Viral advertising or marketing is any specific advertisement or campaign that is ultimately intended to go viral. Usually these campaigns are highly unorthodox or creatively unusual in order to become virally spread. In fact, many campaigns even appear as "real" or non-commercial in order to gain more viral effect.

Viral engagement is a more accurate term and perspective towards viral marketing. Because viral campaigns depend on an intimately enraptured audience to spread its exposure, this type of marketing isn't just a typical "advertise once, then done." It's more of a continuous dialog, and as such the nature of the campaign in progress may even evolve or radically change in order to retain its audience and/or attract more.

It is less of a campaign towards a target and more of a dialog.
If traditional marketing is a lecture, then viral engagement is a keenly interesting conversation. There's contribution, reaction, and progress from both parties, not just the initial speaker.
So Catchy So the next question is what makes something viral? The better question is, what makes something worth sharing? And the most key question of them all is, why would you, yes you, share something?

Going viral is most known on the Web, but really it applies everywhere. What is it about a movie that compels you to recommend it to a friend? Or for that matter, not to recommend it? Or a book, or a restaurant? Is it because that TV show or hotel was of any decency?

Or was it simply because you were asked about your experiences with it?
Why would you pass on some piece of content to a friend? Is it because it made you laugh? Made you cry? Made you emotional? Was it scandalous? Did it make your curious? Was it greatly informative, perhaps on a topic you had no prior interest in or even knew existed?

Did this content stump you, surprise you, or shock you? Or was it crafted so beautifully, maybe in itself is such a thing of beauty and art, that you had to share it with others? Or maybe, you simply wanted someone else to experience what you just experienced, to feel like you did.

Maybe you are trying to initiate an empathic session, so that then you can bond together afterwards by benefit of the mutual experience.

So which one is it?
Why, all of them. Maybe even all at the same time.
Sequencing The DNA So how can this be harnessed? How can we predict what will go viral and what won't? And more importantly, how can we create something that will deliberately go viral? That is the challenge, after all, and the reason why any Grail is so often sought is precisely because it is so difficult to obtain.

The most obvious approach is to make something that you would likely want to share. Ah, but personal tastes are so subjective. After all, who could've guessed that the current and past trends ever became, well, trendy! So we then look to the polls, surveys, demographics and analytics.
We look at history, at what worked and failed before, to try and draft together some sort of gauge.
Unfortunately, while viral marketers toil on this, their predecessors in the cinema, television, literary, and music industries have already long been at it. If there was any universal, all-time magic formula it has yet to be found. All anyone knows is that good things prosper and bad things don't but quality is only determined in hindsight.

While there are some loose guidelines, the exceptional nature of viral success has always been that the exception always seems to come up from behind. And many times the exception can be its own exception.
Cracking The Code But there is one guideline that I believe comes closest to becoming a rule. If there is one dominant, persistent factor in any viral content, whether original commercial or not, it is this: it has to be content first. Content is, and always will be, king.

Even viral advertisements, while obviously for commercial purposes, became spread as they did because people valued them as pieces of content, not just as ads.
People don't talk about Super Bowl ads around the water cooler because they love the brand and wish to espouse it. They talk because the commercial made them laugh, made them sentimental, made them experience. And they want to see if others shared in that experience.

The brand just happened to be within that experience, but what made the commercial worth talking about -- worth sharing -- was the experience of watching the commercial.
People recommend movies and music to their peers not because they want to support the brand, but because they were engaged by the content and think their friends would be similarly engaged. Then they can engage one another in their mutual engagement of the content.

The point is viral material must be worthwhile content, even if it serves little to no direction in terms of being an ad. It may actually be a terrible ad by advertising standards. But as long as it is engaging enough content, people will like it. In fact, they may like it more because it's not an ad.
In fact, the less "broadcasting-lecture" it is and the more "hey, look at this" the better.

People want something they can experience, and then in turn let others experience.
It Hits You Hard So how does one go about creating the right content to properly plant the seeds of a viral experience? Again, this is more difficult to pinpoint, as even terrible quality content manages to go viral. Is there a gauge that helps determine what content is good enough and what isn't?
Not really. The only constant that can be found is one that creates an experience in the user, and that is something both "good" stuff and "bad" stuff can provide.

The x-factor remains elusive, and has been in all the mediums. And the reason why it always will remain so is because experience itself is subjective and ever-changing. Tastes evolve and revolve, both because of experiences and by causing experiences. The only thing that can be harnessed is the generation of experience itself.

Give the audience something they'll never forget and they'll never forget to share.

What do you think about viral exposure and experience? Are there other sides to the x-factor that can be used?


When any corporate video clips are put on the net, on YouTube or elsewhere, there are usually selections for forwarding a link on the corporate videos to be able to share it to friends, or for embedding the videos in sites or sharing that on social media websites.
The aim of viral advertising and marketing is for a number of people to view the content, then in order to direct their buddies to it, who next direct all their buddies, until, after only a few iterations, suddenly several hundred 1000 people have watched the organization videos.

The word virus-like is employed because of the way where the audience increases significantly every time a new number of friends is brought to the content, apparently throughout mimicry of the way a virus reproduces within just organic cells. Virus-like marketing is common because it is cheap (expenses are limited to creating one short company videos Singapore and then posting it), and consists of spreading a brand concept by word of mouth, the particular holy grail of all companies everywhere.

How company videos Singapore go virus-like is not well recognized. It is not enough to only put an advertisement online and wait for that to 'go viral'. It has to function as the kind of content which ordinary web users need to pass on. In a nutshell, it has to be humorous.
Humour is not the just method of ensuring that a company videos Singapore goes virus-like, although it is one of the most reliable. From the earliest cases which were circulated in between office emails: the particular penguin knocking its neighbor through a hole within the ice, the overweight boy clapping for a Peanut, etc, the most usually shared corporate video tutorials Singapore have been those which get raised a laugh in the viewer.

Not all of all of them contained any kind of marketing and advertising message at all, obviously. Not just humour functions, of course. In 2010, one of the most successful viral company videos Singapore of the year has been unquestionably the video clip of a mad girl in Coventry putting a save cat in a wheelie trash can. National news protection and angry opponents yelling death dangers are a sure indicator that a corporate video clips Singapore has gone as virus-like as it possibly can. In a nutshell, corporate videos Singapore proceed viral when his or her content is deemed fascinating enough by audiences to be forwarded to buddies, and those friends still find it interesting enough in order to forward on to their friends, and so on. Written content which goes viral is normally either humorous or perhaps profoundly shocking.

The actual immense audiences which a successful viral advertising campaign can generate using minimal expenditure ensure it is attractive to many businesses, nevertheless they often misjudge the fact that it really is impossible to predict with any accuracy and reliability what people will find funny or shocking ample to share.

Corporate video tutorials can go viral actually quicker these days due to the ability of visitors to share them with further audiences via social networking sites such as Facebook, Facebook or Stumbleupon. Entrepreneurs often try to reap the benefits of commercial opportunities in these sites to try and enhance corporate videos Singapore coverage, but this 'sponsored content' is actually rarely as productive as a genuinely virus-like clip.

The downside is that when corporate videos adjusted viral, marketers have forfeit control of it. Supporters and pranksters alike can delight in tinkering wonderfully with a corporate video clips Singapore, and under 'fair use' legislations, they are more than eligible to do so.
Remember Gi joe Kid and the countless alternative versions which in turn dubbed a real lightsaber influence on to his brush? Or the huge number regarding Downfall corporate video clips Singapores out there on the Internet, up to Hitler's impassioned rant upon studying that William Shatner couldn't survive appearing in 2009's Superstar Trek?

This can occur to commercial corporate video tutorials as well, and much since brand owners may not be amused, there is not a good deal they can really do over it. Corporate videos Singapore move viral when they are humorous enough or otherwise initial enough to justify sending out to a many people.
The process is thus rooted in particular person tastes that it can't be predicted or subsequent guessed with just about any accuracy.


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This form of marketing is dependent on peers passing the information on to multiple others via online social networks. When executed well a viral campaign should spread rapidly and become referenced and talked about across multiple internet channels.

It is most powerful when it taps into the breadth of its customers' weak connections to others. Therefore tapping the customer's entire address book is obviously of more value than just reaching their best friend. Ultimately it is the way that ideas have always spread through communities If something has value then people want to share it.

These methods work when the product is something of value so efforts towards design, usability, and solving pain is most of the solution.It then becomes two efforts, creating the conventions from web 1.0 that people expect, share with a friend is an example and the unique web 2.0 strategies that are more social, using rss/blogs, etc.

Viral marketing creates a win/win situation for all parties. The user is provided a service or valuable information for free and in turn provides your site with free advertising.It is so successful because it creates the curiosity and desire needed to generate the demand for a product or service. It causes people to seek it out.

Hotmail used this form of marketing in a small way that produced big results. At the bottom of each of the emails sent, they included a small line that said something like "get your free email account with hotmail. Hotmail is now one of the biggest free web-based email providers, and one of the longest running alongside yahoo and a few others.

Ultimately hotmail piggybacked on personal emails from one person to another to publicize their free email service. At a time when few people had email,the first and only free email service in the marketplace was appealing and novel - hence their rapid adoption and spread.

Viral marketing existed way before 'viral marketing' if you were a marketer, I'd say it was doing your job. As it takes advantage of the millions of communities that all of us have built up naturally,that's you and me .In reality it has been around forever, spreading the word through word-of-mouth was the world's first form of viral marketing.

It will yield its best results if a valuable and tangible incentive is offered, that will entice individuals to forward an email message to their friends.However,marketers should limit the incentive to a specific quantity to avoid spam-like distribution of the message.

Viral marketing essentially relies on other people to get involved. You can learn the ways to help motivate them and can feed them the information and campaigns that are mostly likely to spark their interest, but ultimately you have no control over what they do with it.

Viral marketing still has the strongest effect if your product can be somehow incorporated into the communication between two people. This includes phone systems (mci), electronic postcards (blue mountain), free e-mail (hotmail), and the communications tool that someone is inventing in his or her garage as you're reading this chapter.

It is always as effective as others say it is if only it would be done properly. It is effective, yes.However it does depend on a high pass-along rate from person to person.If a large percentage of recipients forward something to a large number of friends, the overall growth snowballs very quickly.

Viral marketing extends this into the digital domain by harnessing the electronic connectivity of individuals to spread your message. It describes any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message's exposure and influence.

Like viruses, such strategies take advantage of rapid multiplication to explode the message to thousands, to millions. Viral marketing is similar in nature to a contagious disease, in the way it spreads. However, it's always beneficial to the business conducting the campaign.

Essentially it works best in combination with e-mail marketing, since e-mail marketing provides viral marketing with a great communication medium. You can use e-mail to spread the message as really it is a good bit about winning hearts and minds. Viral marketing is advertising that you voluntarily pass around because it's cool, not necessarily because you want to help build publicity.

There is some noticeable overlap where a guerrilla ad that doesn't quite look like an ad is so great that you end up telling other people about it.A notable survey was done recently on such an add and it showed a full 70% of people interviewed remembered seeing the ad so viral marketing if done right is incredibly powerful stuff.

It is creating an awareness of a product or a service, without really advertising it. For instance, you wear branded jeans with the name tag on the back.Therefore viral marketing helps to spread the word and can help produce a result.

Also it facilitates and encourages people to pass along a message voluntarily. Viral marketing is essentially the word-of-mouth or refer-a-friend tactic done through the internet. The concept is actually very simple: promote your brand, product or service by creating a message that is intriguing and entertaining enough that people would want to pass it to their friends online.
Viral Marketing is but one of many techniques that together have a cumulative effect in attracting customers and subscribers to your business - in attracting targeted visitors to your website. Momentum is gained by aiming every element of the overall strategy at developing the relationship with your visitors.

It has been able to successfully allow marketers to increase the value of free services online, because referrals are the major way that most people market with free services. So, these tools of internet marketing have been able to allow people to significantly pursue various affiliate programs in order to increase the value of these free services.

Viral marketing campaigns can achieve great success they just have to be planned out like any other marketing campaign. Undeniably it is considered as one of the most powerful methods of internet marketing and advertising today.

Viral marketing has become a popular means of advertising and marketing because they are relatively low cost. To avoid being tagged as spam mail,it counts on the eagerness of one person to pass on the product. Clear market evidence shows it is doing it's job on the consumers, it keeps them on-line and now with domino pizza, consumers are buying products just to get more marketing, a never ending cycle.

What ever happened to letting anticipation build just waiting for some movie to come out, that carrot in front of you face has gotten bigger and your wallet is getting smaller. It was huge in the mid-90's before the dot-com bubble burst and everyone realized that eyeballs didn't necessarily translate into dollars.

However Viral marketing if done right can be a cost effective way to get the word out about your business and get customers buying.Although it's fair to say that alot of people talk about viral marketing,but they don't do it very well. It also describes any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the messages exposure and influence.

Like viruses, such strategies take advantage of rapid multiplication to explode the message from one to two to thousands , to millions.One of it's major strengths is it uses the power of one customer's recommendation to another.Therefore that helps to spread the word about a product or company.As viral marketing is a method of encouraging recipients to pass along the marketing message to other potential consumers. The impact of video email and the quality of the information presented can facilitate the proliferation of this form of personalized marketing.

Blogging started really taking off after the dot-com boom and bust. It started taking off after world-com and other corporate scandals. Blogs and other social software rely upon the trust of the reader, which is why links, references and disclaimers feature on many (not all) posts.

Transparency is key in the modern advertising-savvy marketplace.Blogs and the blogosphere in general have become an important tool in the viral marketing frontier. Many reputable bloggers are approached by companies wanting to advertise their services or products, all with the intuitive of instigating a viral effect.

Viral marketing is not only putting yourself out there with some free information, but its utilizing the
coolness factor by getting people to write about you and spread the word .It is beneficial in that it has the potential to reach large audiences very quickly meaning companies will potentially get their message to their target audience and beyond in hours. Viral marketing is a great tactic to earn revenue when promoting a product or service .

Article marketing is no doubt is an indispensable tool in internet marketing.There are many people who find writing articles to be dreadful, others may feel it is just too much work and or no one reads them. Article marketing is a process of writing meaty articles and submitting them to article directories on the Internet with the goal of getting traffic and get traffic you will if you do it right.

Viral marketing is the ethical means of driving more traffic to your website. Most of these techniques are free to implement although such will require hard work and commitment. However be very aware that it is a sophisticated strategy that requires considerable thought .

Essentially it is the technical term for what is commonly known as word-of-mouth advertising. Although viral marketing is as old as human civilization itself, the internet has brought its efficacy and reach to a new level, and the technologies that provide the motive force behind this movement continue to evolve.

Personally, if I'd been busted for being a poser and poorly imitating youth pop culture i would avoid using phrases like - Busted. I think pop culture and viral marketing have a lot in common as they are both engaging, creative, and unfortunately in the most part largely misunderstood.

I certainly feel word-of-mouth and viral marketing are one of the best ways to advertise a product to consumers as i feel it's honest and really gives consumers the perspective from an unbiased individual.

Again, I stress that this is a legitimate marketing tactic which can achieve fantastic results if it is done correctly.As internet marketing is extremely competitive you should use all the avenues that are available to you in advertising your web site and products.

Experiment with the various ways of viral marketing until you find the ones that work best for you. Internet competition is a ruthless and competitive rivalry that shows no mercy.Therefore every means and methods of internet marketing should be used and employed.


Well viral Marketing works on pretty much the same basics except it won't harm any ones computer or still private information.
Viral Marketing starts by sending out information about a service or product in which the originator want you to buy or entice you to but so that they can make a profit this information can come in many different formats from Text, Audio, Images, Video or any other format the originator wishes to display and sell their product or service.

Viral Marketing has been around for some time now but has exploded recently some reasons for this would be the increase in broadband speeds giving people to ability to interconnect using different types of media including Email, Forms, Message Boards, Chat Rooms and most importantly Social Networking.
Social networking is like word of mouth and anyone who has worked in any type of marketing knows that word of mouth has to be one of the best types of advertising there is.

One type of viral Marketing that we have we have all seen at this stage is Viral emails to some people this can get very annoying because of the amount of unsolicited email that are clogging up their inbox but to me or you that have proven to be a very profitable niche.

This is so popular with people trying to sell products because they usually build up such a Hugh email list through opt in pages that they can keep their subscribers up to date with their new products or try different methods and approaches to swing their subscriber to buy products which they might have been selling from the start of their campaign.

I hope you now have a good understanding of Viral Marketing. If you are interested in this or creating viral ebooks you can find a lot more Free information here website
Best of luck Steven


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2. IP Vanish.
IP Vanish VPN is one of the premium VPN services in the world. This company has mobile app for all mobile users. This mobile app can be accessed from several different platforms, including iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Android phones, Android tablets, and many other devices.
This mobile app can be accessed from iOS or Android system. It means that you can use this mobile app for any types of your mobile devices. You can simply put your login information in the mobile app before you can get access to the server. The installation process is very simple to do.

Here are some benefits offered by this mobile app from IP Vanish.
Secure and Fast Connection.
This mobile app can be used to access more than 7000 IPs from 47 countries around the world. This system is created to provide the most convenient Internet browsing in mobile phone. There are many people using this mobile app for improving the security in their mobile devices.

This mobile app is equipped with PPTP and L2TP protocols. These versions may ensure that you get secure and quick connection to its VPN server. This VPN service can ensure that you can get access to some websites safely. You can protect your online identity and data safely.

Supported by 24/7 customer service.
IP Vanish mobile device app is supported by 24/7 customer service. It means that you can contact its customer care representatives when you have any problems with the server. This is a great feature offered by this service. You do not have to worry when you face any issues when using this VPN mobile app service.

This company is committed to give the best service for all customers. It has professional and friendly customer care agents who are ready to help you solve any problems that you may have.

Competitive Pricing.
This is another benefit that you can get by choosing the IP Vanish VPN mobile app service. This service offers very competitive pricing for all users. You can enjoy high quality service at very affordable price. Because of that reason, many people are interested to choose this VPN service.
This service is very suitable for all people who want to get access to the fastest VPN connection at very affordable rate. You do not have to spend a lot of money when using this VPN service for any purposes.

Those are some benefits and features offered by Hide My Ass and IP Vanish. If you want to find the best VPN service, you may want to consider these services. They receive a lot of positive reviews from all customers. These reviews show that these services are very popular these days.
They can provide the best service for all customers. You can rely on the performance of these VPN services. Both services provide you with mobile apps that allow you to access their servers from your mobile devices.


In order to be licensed as a qualified manager for a security firm by the State of California a security officer must have worked the absolute minimum of one year. Naturally there are a few other conditions and a test that needs to be passed, but that is the important and most challenging hurdle.
One year of Security Guards Glendale expertise will not suffice to run a professional guard business and ensure professional, dependable service to clients. As a client one should ask to meet one of the executive officers to ensure that one is hiring a security firm that understands all aspects of the security business.

Many security guards and clients are under the false impression that a security firm is just an agency that provides security guards. A security company that is good will have a proven concept of holding the right people responsible, hiring them and adding value to the customer's business.
Hiring the right people means an extensive interview process by human resource professionals, who will choose the best of the finest from a pool of nominees. It also means a proven background check process, that will ensure with a criminal background and a history of violence usually are not hired.

A good security company will shield its customers and itself from liability by deciding on the best security guards nominees with the necessary experience in the security sector. Holding security officers responsible means creating balances and checks with security guards, managers and the client.
There should be electronic equipment which will provide the client and the managers with a report throughout his shift. Managers should be visiting the website often to check on and coach the security guards. They should also often check in with your client .

Many customers might wonder how a security guard can add value with their company side from merely providing security services. A great security company will find many ways by going beyond their post orders to add value for their customer' business. In a jewelry store the main responsibility of the guard is always to shield clients and property, but smiling and being courteous and professional will improve the feeling in the store.
A security guard at a building site will save building folks a lot of time by keeping a log and limiting accessibility of job seekers. Resort security guards can help the resort conserve prices by handing paper out or assisting the bell desk if necessary. An excellent Security Guards Glendale business will use security consultants that can come up with innovative ways to provide value beyond the security services that are regular.

It is necessary for customers to identify which they are coping with a company by requesting a meeting with one of the company's managers that will add worth. Contact detail: V Protection Services,Inc. Address: 1101 E. Chevy Chase Dr. Glendale,CA 91205 Emailid: Phone : (310)8909747 Website : website Company Management


Successful viral marketing results in this snowballfactor

An exponential increase in users of the free viral marketing product

free exponential increase in website traffic which in turn helps to

improve the search engine rankings which in turn leads to

more free web traffic and so on...
The degree of success, depends on the extent to which the 9 success criterias are followed.
9 Viral Marketing Success Criterias
As many and ideally all of the following tactics should be used:
1. Make an irresistible free offer
You need to provide a free viral marketing product or service since "free" is the biggest customer magnet. "Free" even attracts people who otherwise wouldn't be interested.
2. Build a viral marketing product - don't just try to market a product virally
A product is not necessarily viral if it contains a few features that lend viral characteristics to it. Just having a "Recommend to a friend" option on one of your web pages doesn't make your website viral. For the free viral marketing products to be considered truly viral, more than 1 new user must result from each user recommending it.
3. Target alpha users
The viral advertising message ought to target individuals with a high social networking potential, the so called influencers, ideal for spreading it. With regards to the consumer market, influencers are well connected, have impact, have active minds and are trendsetters.
So what causes an influencer to desire passing on a viral message? Answers include the need to be loved (or fear of rejection) and the need to be successful (fear of failure).
For example consider which messages and free products would result in respect and appreciation of the sender when received. Important and effective online influentials take a serious approach and want to pass on only useful viral marketing messages, not silly videos, jokes or commercials without purpose nor marketing results.
They want to be perceived responsible by the recipients; their network. The product they recommend ought to suit the needs of the users optimally. Hard sales talk is not the way.
4. Be creative and ahead of market trends
Study your market and its trends and learn to think ahead in order to provide what turns people on, in exactly the right moment and right way. Do you have...

the capacity and know-how to come up with an innovative product?

expert knowledge to share?

ideas and a network of associates to inspire and motivate you?

the right web business tools and resources?
5. Easy transfer is prerequisite
The viral marketing message should be short and easily transferred via one or several of the following digital medias:



instant messaging


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social medias meaning social media websites, under here social network sites, online communities, blogs, wikis etc. Examples include Facebook, twitter and youtube, that facilitate the exchange of viral messages by automating the distribution process.
The interaction between internet users is highly facilitated by using Web 2.0, a design standard, making viral marketing possible. Examples of inheritingly viral Web 2.0 sites are MySpace, Facebook, and Flickr. These sites are as well free viral marketing products to the user as they are viral advertising tools to both the companies and the users.
6. Use Existing Social Networks
The distribution of the viral message takes place within established social networks of the individuals who receive it: Around 10 persons within their closest circle and as many as thousands within their broader network, depending on the person's status and job.
Affiliate programs often inspire the affiliates to target their network. Once an online influential with an extensive network is reached, a snowball effect initiates, provided that the viral product is useful and of high quality and the marketing message catchy. Social network websites are important viral marketing tools.
7. Use other's resources
Spread your viral marketing message by placing articles on other websites (the media) thereby reaching a much larger group of people than had you relied solely on your own web site. By getting your message spread as news, you target many subscribers that might decide to visit your home page or even place your article on their website.
An example of effective viral marketing is the placement of Youtube videos on different websites from where interested visitors can copy the video to their own site.
8. Allow for Big Scale Traffic
It is imperative that the resources for handling all the traffic need to be quickly upscalable to avoid overload and break down of the replication cycle of the viral marketing campaign.
In order to handle the expected high volume of users, the process needs to be completely automated. For example customers are emailed using sequential autoresponders.
9. Measure and optimise the parameters of viral marketing

To achieve true Viral Marketing Success, monitor the results expressed by certain parametres then test and optimise them. Examples of parameters include

sources of traffic

% registered users

% users who send out invites

number of invites sent out per user

% of invites received


The process resembles a chain letter. Before proceeding with a viral campaign, the person or company knows exactly what kind of goal they are trying to achieve or what kind of target they are trying to reach. This may be lead generation, brand awareness, profit building, data capture, or something else.

Internet Viral Marketing- Three Effective Steps
Different methods of internet viral marketing may be adopted - eBooks, article marketing, YouTube videos, and social networking websites. Viral campaigns become effective by their very nature which has three steps:
Development of Content thats Worth Spreading (Viral Concept) - This can include helpful information, useful information about a new product, and even some kind of game, quiz, or joke. If the person is really lucky, the viral content could spread to such an extent as to become an international phenomenon. Great ideas, the right sort of distribution, and perfect timing push the chances of success higher.

Starting the Viral Campaign - The second step in the process is to attract traffic and begin the viral campaign. There are a number of methods to do that of which some of the more successful ones are described here. Banner campaigns utilizing Skyscraper and MPU size advertisements with flash media elements are a great technique of generating traffic.
Circulation of a viral campaign to a bought or owned list is also a smart technique because emails can be forwarded to coworkers and friends. It is possible that a website or magazine may cover your viral game. The benefit of submitting press releases is data capture and attraction of traffic.

Posting manually on gaming sites, social bookmarking sites, social networking and competition pages will create interest about the product on websites, forums and blogs having associated content.
The third and final step is the development of quantifiable calls to action such as Register Now, Add to Favorites, Forward to a Friend, and Bookmark This.
If for example, you are striving to make an article go viral, at the end of the article, you would include a link to your website (in the resource box). So when the article is being passed around, the details of your business would also get around and therefore, the popularity of your website would increase.

You would get the same benefits if you create an eBook and gave people free access to it.
Approach a Reliable Company
Now that you know how viral marketing works, you should take advantage of this technique preferably by taking assistance from a professional SEO company.


Perhelatan akbar sepakbola sejagat tinggal beberapa bulan lagi, mata para pecinta bola sebentar lagi akan tertuju ke sebuah negara yang mana negara tersebut sering dijuluki kiblatnya sepakbola yaitu negara Brasil yang telah memenangi piala dunia sebanyak 5 kali.

Seperti biasa piala dunia diikuti 32 negara terbaik yang telah melewati babak qualifikasi di zonanya (benua) masing masing,adapaun ke 32 negara tersebut akan dibagi menjadi 8 grup yaitu A sampai H untuk lebih jelasnya lihat gambar di bawah ini :

Pastinya para pecinta bola khususnya di Indonesia akan semakin tidak sabar untuk segera menonton perhelatan piala dunia yang dilakukan 4 tahun sekali,untuk para pecinta bola indonesia tak usah memaksakan pergi ke brasil karena  tv swasta di indonesia akan menyiarkan siaran langsung lengkap.

Berikut Jadwal Lengkap Piala Dunia 2014 Brasil Fase Grup (penyisihan)

12 Juni 2014:

    17:00 Brasil v Kroasia (A)

13 Juni 2014:

    13:00 Meksiko vs Kamerun (A)
    16:00 Spanyol vs Belanda (B)
    19:00 Chile vs Australia (B)

14 Juni 2014:

    13:00 Kolombia vs Yunani (C)
    16:00 Uruguay vs Kosta Rika (D)
    19:00 Pantai Gading vs Jepang (C)
    22:00 Inggris vs Italia (D)

15 Juni 2014:

    13:00 Swiss vs Ekuador (E)
    16:00 Prancis vs Honduras (E)
    19:00 Argentina vs Bosnia-Herzegovina (F)

16 Juni 2014:

    13:00 Jerman vs Portugal (G)
    16:00 Iran vs Nigeria (F)
    19:00 Ghana vs Amerika Serikat (G)

17 Juni 2014:

    13:00 Belgia vs Aljazair (H)
    16:00 Brasil vs Meksiko (A)
    19:00 Rusia vs Korea Selatan (H)

18 Juni 2014:

    13:00 Australia vs Belanda (B)
    16:00 Kamerun v Kroasia (A)
    19:00 Spanyol vs (B)

19 Juni 2014:

    13:00 Kolombia vs Pantai Gading (C)
    16:00 Uruguay vs Inggris (D)
    19:00 Jepang vs Yunani (C)

20 Juni 2014:

    13:00 Italia vs Kosta Rika (D)
    16:00 Swiss vs Perancis (E)
    19:00 Honduras vs Ekuador (E)

21 Juni 2014:

    13:00 Argentina vs Iran (F)
    16:00 Jerman vs Ghana (G)
    19:00 Nigeria vs Bosnia-Herzegovina (F)

22 Juni 2014:

    13:00 Korea Selatan vs Aljazair (H)
    16:00 Amerika Serikat vs Portugal (G)
    19:00 Belgia vs Rusia (H)

23 Juni 2014:

    13:00 Australia vs Spanyol (B)
    13:00 Belanda vs Chile (B)
    17:00 Kamerun vs Brazil (A)
    17:00 Kroasia vs Meksiko (A)

24 Juni 2014:

    13:00 Italia vs Uruguay (D)
    13:00 Kosta Rika vs Inggris (D)
    17:00 Jepang vs Colombia (C)
    17:00 Yunani vs Pantai Gading (C)

25 Juni 2014:

    13:00 Bosnia vs Iran (F)
    13:00 Nigeria vs Argentina (F)
    17:00 Ekuador vs Perancis (E)
    17:00 Honduras vs Swiss (E)

26 Juni 2014:

    13:00 Amerika Serikat vs Jerman (G)
    13:00 Portugal vs Ghana (G)
    17:00 Aljazair vs Rusia (H)
    17:00 Korea Selatan vs Belgia (H)

Jadwal 16 Besar Piala Dunia 2014

Setelah menyelesaikan babak penyisihan grup,kini saatnya memasuki babak 16 Besar dan tentunya kita juga tahu terjadi banyak kejutan dimana tim-tim unggulan terhenti dibabak penyisihan,nah berikut kita simak Jadwal Pertandingan 16 Besar Piala Dunia 2014 Brazil :

28 Juni 2014.

23.00 WIB Brazil VS Chile

29 Juni 2014. 

03.00 WIB Colombia VS Uruguay

23.00 WIB Belanda VS Meksiko

30 Juni 2014.

03.00 WIB  Kostarika VS Yunani

23.00 WIB Perancis VS Ngeria

1 Juli 2014.

03.00 WIB Jerman VS Aljazair

23.00 WIB Argentina VS Swiss

2 Juli 2014

03.00 WIB Belgia VS Amerika Serikat

Jadwal Perempat Final Piala Dunia 2014

Setelah menyelesaikan babak 16 besar yang semuanya berjalan dramatis dan tidak banyak kejutan,kini saatnya melangkah ke babak perempat final :

4 Juli 2014

23.00 WIB Perancis VS Jerman

5 Juli 2014

03.00 WIB Brazil VS Kolombia

23.00 WIB Argentina VS Belgia

6 Juli 2014

03.00 WIB Belanda VS Kostarika

Jadwal Semi Final Piala Dunia 2014

Setelah menyelesaikan babak perempat final yang sangat seru dan mendebarkan,kini tinggal menyisakan 4 negara yang dikenal dengan tradisi sepak bolanya diantaranya Brazil, Jerman, Argentina dan Belanda yang akan merebutkan tiket Grand Final dan berikut jadwal semi final piala dunia 2014

9 Juli 2014

03.00 WIB Brazil VS Jerman

10 Juli

03.00 WIB Belanda VS Argentina

Jadwal Final Piala Dunia 2014 

 Perebutan Juara ke 3

13 Juli

03.00 WIB Brazil VS Belanda

Grand Final

!4 Juli

02.00 WIB Jerman VS Argentina



Koleksi Gambar Binatang Lucu dan Unik ini hasil searching di internet dan pastinya sudah pada mengetahui tujuannya hanya untuk hiburan semata karena dengan melihat Gambar Hewan Lucu ini dapat membuat kita tertawa dan tentunya akan menghilangkan kepenatan pikiran sehingga bisa membuat emosi kita stabil.

Seperti makhluk hidup yang lain di dunia tingkah laku binatang terkadang aneh aneh dan lucu sehingga membuat kita yang melihat akan tertawa geli dan akan menggeleng gelengkan kepala saking takjub atau merasa aneh.

Berikut Koleksi Gambar Binatang Lucu Dan Unik yang bisa kami sajikan untuk anda dan mudah mudahan bisa menjadi hiburan yang ampuh setidaknya untuk menghilangkan sedikit permasalahan:

Itulah Koleksi Gambar Binatang Lucu Dan Unik yang dapat kami sajikan untuk anda semua.


Safari Jeep Soft Top

The safari soft top is an extra large size bikini; the sun lighter top allows the partial entry of the sun but protects you from burning conditions and it is water resistant.

Bikini Jeep Soft Top

The bikini top wind jammer in which a wind jammer is added to the bikini top and it avoids the heavy wind blowing into the jeep. The attached duster protects the jeep from pollution.

Flip Jeep Soft Top

The flip top soft top in which you can enjoy the summer drive the flip top option helps you to open and close the top during the travel.

You must purchase the jeep soft top from the expert manufacturers as they provide the jeep soft tops with high quality material and more durable. While purchasing the jeep soft top the model and frame of the jeep must be considered. Normally the life span of the jeep soft top is three to five years and it can be reduced or increased with the help of proper maintenance. The fabric part must be cleaned with the soap water and to remove the dirt and debris you can use the soft brush as the hard bristles would damage the fabric material and avoid using the petroleum products as cleaning agents as it will ruin your jeep soft top. The windows are made up of plastic and so it must be cleaned with the soft towel to avoid the cracks. You can use the lubricant oil to clean the zippers. The cleaning and maintenance must be made regularly for every 30 to 90 days. The main areas are the fabric, zipper and the windows. Some of the cleaning agents used are the protectant, and the oil.

The jeep soft top is made up of PVC and by using the protectants regularly you can increase the life of the soft top. Garaging the jeep makes reduces the exposure to dust. Avoid using the house hold items for cleaning as that provides damage to your jeep soft top. Select the industry experts before buying the jeep soft top as the thread and the stitching used is of high quality material. Make sure you buy a high quality and durable jeep soft top.


When searching for schools, it is important that you search for with a good reputation. The top 10 schools in the country in your particular field is definitely a good place to start. For instance, if you are interested in business, then you would search for the top 10 schools in business. If you were interested in accounting, then the top 10 schools in accounting would be of interest. By searching the top 10 schools you can determine advantages each school has to offer you.

There are many different factors that make a school in the top 10. One of the determinants could be that they produce the most number of graduates in a particular field. Or, they may have won academic awards. Others may be on the top 10 list because they produce graduates with the highest income after a couple years of graduation. There will be much that you will be able to find out about the schools once you begin your research.

You also may have your own criteria such as cost. Location may be another. When looking for a school these are all things that you will need to consider. Each college or school will likely have things that they speak about such as their sports team. Their teaching methods, and technology and equipment may also be something that the school brags about.

Education is an investment and it is an investment that you will have for life. When you have decided that you are interested in a top 10 school than you can begin searching the nation's top 10 lists.

Top 10 searches include search such as the following:

Top 10 high school in America
Top 10 graduate schools
Top 10 film schools
Top 10 fashion schools
Top 10 engineering schools
Top 10 dental schools
Top 10 culinary schools
Top 10 cosmetology schools
Top 10 business schools
Top 10 accounting schools

And, so on. No matter what your desired education, there are schools in the country that are the best of the best and finding the top 10 will not be difficult. Determine your own criteria for your education and then determine what sets the particular schools apart from one another to narrow down you search.


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But what is different is that Apple's marketing doesn't have to be clever or utterly creative. In fact, it is stunningly not so. No major social media campaign needed to be sparked, no user-generated content contest needed to be held. And while the ongoing tongue-in-cheek anti-Microsoft ads are undeniably cute, they are not really an advertising revelation. Gone are the days of the bold "1984" campaigns.

Today, Apple has earned enough attention to forgo any ostentatious marketing, in fact, so much that a cleverly orchestrated campaign would distract from the brand rather than boosting it. The company simply displays its products - that's all it takes. Apple's products are viral without any viral marketing.

Viral and spreadable'
Before digging more into this, let's pause for a moment to examine the term viral,' which has come under scrutiny recently, not for the first time but more critically, since transmedia augur Henry Jenkins, in ever-so-dramatic fashion, "declared war on viral media." Jenkins wrote: "Until marketers understand the consumer's active agency and the social mechanisms shaping their circulation of content, they are doomed to insult and alienate the very people they are hoping to attract." Jenkins suggests we replace viral media' - and, by extension, viral marketing' as the discipline that produces viral media' - with the new term spreadable,' arguing that this would more accurately reflect the consumer's agency and the dynamics of content-sharing.

Fair enough, yet Jenkins, in his academic fervor, underestimates practitioners. They know the social mechanisms of sharing all too well and are perfectly capable of distinguishing between the built-in contagious distribution of a product and the spreading of cultural memes as content that accumulates meaning as it is passed on. They are not one and the same, but innovative cheap gucci handbags marketers use both notions and the outcome is similar, which is why, for the sake of simplicity, I will stick with the catch-all viral' in this post.

Advocacy and amplification
But back to Apple and the relationship between product and marketing innovation. At the Marketing 2.0 conference in Paris this spring, I had the pleasure of hearing Steve Knox from Tremor, Procter & Gamble's word-of-mouth marketing arm, illustrate the underlying cognitive principles of viral marketing.
In his view, there are two dimensions that matter: advocacy and amplification. If you have a strong brand advocate (a passionate user) but lack the appropriate channels to amplify his/her evangelism, you won't have much of a viral effect. You are stuck with early adopters, derived from sociologist Everett Rogers's "diffusion of innovations" theory and so perfectly portrayed by Rob Walker in his New York Times Magazine column, but without critical mass they will not convert into mainstream success.

On the other hand, if you muster strong amplification, yet for a product without vocal advocates, you will fall into the over-amplification trap: Awareness of the product will quickly dissipate or, worse, the over-exposure might backfire and inadvertently shed light on the product's flaws as the gap between visibility and user advocacy will create a suspicious gap just waiting for the blood-sucking blogosphere to be exploited.
Simply put: If you generate a lot of talk, but there's nothing to really talk about, you may end up with a lot of chatter, but no true social conversation - and thus no viral, no networked distribution.

Disruption and transcendence
So what makes a product worth talking about? Fox's theory is intriguing: he points to two main principles of viral effects that emulate cognitive models. First, the product needs to disrupt a cognitive schema, a mental model that the mind produces to consolidate divergent information into one convergent worldview.
We're lazy and fearful creatures, easily intimidated and overwhelmed, so cognitive schemata help us make sense of the world around us by simplifying it into templates. They allow us to take shortcuts in interpreting a vast amount of information. Here's an cheap coach handbags example: A plane in the air matches our mental model of a plane but a plane on the Hudson River presents a stark violation to our cognitive schema of a plane.

It will therefore create much more attention than the routine plane picture we're used to. It is - in other words - disruptive.


List subject to change.
See all 11 photos Natalie Portman as Anne Boleyn in The Other Boleyn Girl Number 10The Boleyn "B" from The Other Boleyn GirlIn The Other Boleyn Girl, formally disgraced Anne Boleyn (Natalie Portman) returns to England from France donning a golden "B" necklace. She is supposed to to be their to keep King Henrys mind on her Sister Mary however the ambitious Anne has other designs.
The Boleyn B necklace is an iconic part of Anne Boleyns look. In addition to the Gold B, it has teardrop pearl beads that hang off of it and is strung with rondelle pearls.
The Boleyn B Necklace is not only a symbol for Anne and the Boleyns but also represents her boldness.
Anne's NecklaceAnne Boleyn (Ugly Betty) 16" Pearl Choker Necklace - Authentic Replica Buy Now See all 11 photos Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara Number 9Gone with the Wind Cameo BroochGone with the Wind is one of the most lasting movie ever. Made over seventy years its still popular with movie-lovers today. As the movie ends, Rhett Butler (Clark Gable) leaves Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh) and he utters the most famous movie line ever. During the ending, Scarlett, who is in mourning, wears a magnificent oversized brooch. In classic Victorian mourning fashion, its a cameo. However unlike most cameo brooches instead of a profile its a figure riding a bird. It has a gold setting.
This brooch was not made for the film, it was actually own by Walter Plunketts Mother. Plunkett was the costume designer for Gone with the Wind.
Oversize Cameo Brooches plus bonusAntiquities Couture Grecian Muses Collector's Cameo Brooch Buy Now Scarlett's Fire Pendant Necklace: Gone With The Wind Replica Design by The Bradford Exchange Buy Now See all 11 photos Twilight Ring Number 8Twilight Engagment RingIn the third movie of the Twilight Saga, Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) is given a precious family treasure from her fiancee Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) as an engagement ring. The Ring is based on Victorian designs. It is a long oval setting with rows of round stones. The band is narrow.
Stephanie Meyer and Infinite Jewelry Co collaborated to bring this ring to life.
See all 11 photos Noah Hathaway as Atreyu from The NeverEnding Story Number 7AURYN from The NeverEnding StoryThe AURYN in the NeverEnding Story is a symbol of the Child-like Empress (Tami Stronach) the ruler of Fantasia. It has the power to grant any wish of the wearer but only with the permission of the Empress.
AURYN is composed of a silver and a gold snake entwining to form an ouroboros. This is the symbol for infinity
AURYNAURYN Never Ending Story Tailsman Serpant Amulet Necklace Pendant Buy Now AURYN on eBay The Never Ending Story Steampunk two snake Auryn necklace
Buy Now The Mockingjay Pin from The Hunger Games Number 6The Mockingjay Pin from The Hunger GamesThe Mockingjay pin is a powerful symbol in the The Hunger Games . It is a symbol of Katniss Everdeens (Jennifer Lawrence) home district and a symbol of rebellion.
The Mockingjay pins design emulates Katniss as she is both tough and beautiful at the same time. The Mockingjay pin is a casted pin that focuses on a bird, the mockingjay, holding an arrow.
The movie version of the pin is made from sterling silver that was plated in 22 karat gold and then given an antique finished.
The Mockingjay PinNECA The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Mockingjay Pin Prop Replica Buy Now See all 11 photos Wei Tang as Wong Chia Chi from Lust, Caution Number 5The Colored Ring From Lust, CautionLust, Caution (Se, jie) Wong Chia Chi (Wei Tang) os sent to seduce the head of the secret police Mr. Yee (Tony Leung) during the Sino-Japanese war. Her primary goal is to set up his death and to do that she needs him to drop his guard. However when he gives her a ring to show his affection for her anything changes and she can't bring herself to conclude her mission.
The ring he gives her is a 6.1 carat pink diamond that has two halos for a setting. A Halo setting is when a gem has a circle of diamond around it to give the stone the impression of being bigger. The Ring was Design by Cartier.
To indicate this ring impact of the film the title of Lust, Caution in Chinese, Se, jie is a homonym that means "Colored Ring."
Sterling Silver Pink and White CZ Ring In Size 5 Buy Now .81CT Pave Halo Diamond Ring 14K White Gold Buy Now See all 11 photos The Pirate Medallion from The Pirates of the Caribbean Number 4The Pirate Medallion from The Pirates of the Caribbean The Pirate Medallion from The Pirates of the Caribbean is actually a Aztec gold. According to the legend the Aztec put a curse of the coins that makes the people who removed the coins from the chest turn into the living dead. To return to living the coins must all be returned with a blood offering. The Medallion is a central prop in the film as it is the last coin to be returned to the chest thus is critical to the pirates of the Black Pearl who are all cursed.
The Medallion ha a skull in the center and it based off actual Aztec gold coins. It was cast in bronze and plated in gold.
The Pirate Medallion3" Fantasy Pirate Medallion Skull Necklace Knife Blade Buy Now See all 11 photos Nicole Kidman as Satine & Richard Roxburgh as Duke Monroth with the Diamond Necklace from Moulin Rouge Number 3The Diamond Necklace from Moulin RougeIn Moulin Rouge, Satine (Nicole Kidman), a beautiful courtesan, is presented with a lavish diamond necklace by the rich yet possessive Duke Monroth (Richard Roxburgh). In taking the necklace she would have to give up her love, Christian (Ewan McGregor) who is a poor writer.
This necklace is most expensive piece of jewelry ever made for a movie. It has 1,308 diamonds and it weighs 134 carats overall. It was designed by Stefano Canturi and it was based on the garland necklaces designs which were a popular style of necklaces in the late Victorian period.
Victorian Style NecklacesStunning Bridal Beaded Choker (Silver Tone Metal) Buy Now White Bridal Beaded Choker Buy Now See all 11 photos The EvenStar from The Lord of the Rings Number 2The EvenStar from The Lord of the RingsThe Evenstar from The Lord of the Rings is a necklace Elven necklace owned by Arwen Undomeil (Liv Tyler). She gives it to her human lover, Aragon (Viggo Mortensen) as a reminder of their love. It is also a symbol of Arwen's immortality
The EvenStar pendant was made for the movie but was based on a necklace Arwen wore in the books. It was designed by Ngila Dickinson who designed the costumes from The Lord of the Rings. Like most of the design for the Elves, the EvenStar has an Art Nouveau style that in very organic is tone.
The EvenStarArwen Evenstar Pendant - Lord of the Rings Buy Now See all 11 photos Kate Winslet as Rose DeWitt Bukater from Titanic Number 1The Heart of the Ocean from TitanicThe Heart of the Ocean (La Coeur de la Mer) from Titanic is a pivotal prop to the film and adds a bit of mysterious to the narrative. Its also a big part of the memorable drawing scene. According the film this diamond was part of Louis XVIs crown jewels. It was cut into a Heart shaped diamond after the French Revolution. Steel tycoon, Caledon Hockley (Billy Zane) acquires the necklace and gives it to his fiancee Rose DeWitt Bukater (Kate Winslet) to shows her his affections for her.
Blue diamonds and the Titanic have a long history together. The 1943 film based on Titanic also featured a Blue Diamond. Also 2nd class passenger Kate Florence Phillips wore a Diamond and Sapphire necklace given to her by her fiancee who died on Titanic.
The Heart of the Ocean was made using a blue cubic zirconium set it in white gold. It was created by London jewelers Asprey & Garrad. It inspired by the Hope Diamond which was famously owned by Louis XIV.
The Heart of the OceanFancy LARGE Bermuda Blue Austrian Crystal Titanic Heart of the Ocean Pendant Necklace Elegant Trendy Fashion Jewelry Buy Now Movie Jewelry Poll See all 11 photos The Colored Ring from Lust, Caution Which Piece of Movie Jewelry on this len is your Favorite
The Heart of the Ocean, Titanic

The Evening Star, The Lord of the Rings

The Diamond Necklace, Moulin Rouge

The Pirate Medallion, The Pirates of the Caribbean

The Colored Ring, Lust Caution

The Mockingjay Pin, The Hunger Games

The AURYN, The NeverEnding Story

The Engagement Ring, Twilight

The Cameo Brooch, Gone with the Wind

The Boleyn B, The Other Boleyn Girl

I love them all
See results without votingStyle PollWhich of the Pieces of Jewelry would you want to wear?
The Heart of the Ocean

The Evening Star

The Garland Diamond Necklace

The Pirate Medallion

The Colored Diamond Ring

The Mockingjay Pin


Bella's Engagement Ring

Scarlett's Oversize Cameo Brooch

The Boleyn "B"

I can't decide
See results without votingQuick Quiz
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Are you considering taking on an alternative hobby? Perhaps you already get involved in a hobby you great pleasure. No matter what case, you may use new information. Continue reading to understand how your hobby you decide on.

Turn your passion for football in a hobby. Fantasy football is really a fun hobby with no reason to ever strap around the field. Get friends together and make a draft.

You can begin exercising when you are thinking about a whole new need and hobby to reduce a little bit weight. Start running and training for one half marathon, or you could start learning to swim and initiate swimming if you have a pool around during the summer time. No matter what you choose to do, you body and mind will surely benefit.

Sculpting could be very relaxing hobby. There isn't anything much like the sensation of holding clay with you. Sculpting is a hobby which should be learned by way of a class. Enroll in a class or group that can show you each of the basics and require a friend along.

Sewing is obviously an incredible hobby. You may create a variety of items once you master a creative hobby like sewing. Sewing enables you to create items that you can expect to enjoy with their down time.

Photography can be very fun to start out like a very rewarding hobby.It's a simple hobby and can enjoy.Buy your new high-end camera and enable the children have got a try. You will likely be blown away at several of the photos they snap. Everyone is able to their very own own turn utilizing the camera. Then you could sit down and pore within the various pictures everyone snapped.

Also you can enjoy a hobby that features your mother too. Consider cooking class together. You don't have to be good cooks to obtain something out of this type of class. Search online for local cooking classes.

Remember safety first when you are doing your new hobby. It is easy to get sloppy and then forget safety if we are around having fun. Make sure that the appropriate safety rules are followed that have to do with your hobby.

Why choose a pastime? Research has shown that people who get involved in hobbies have got a greater experience of pleasure and provides stress relief. Doing something you love can certainly make life meaning. A hobby may also increase your mood and give a way to relieve stress.

Hobbies are a fantastic way in order to alleviate your stress levels. Your hobby will help be sure to don't are afflicted by a challenging day at work. Opt for a soothing hobby that allows you to get relaxed while being enthusiastic about something.

If you pick cooking will be your hobby, take care. Loose fitting clothes could be hazardous because they are a fire once you lean over your stove.Tie back your hair, and wear tight clothes plus an apron.

Jewelry making is a good hobby that turns into a moneymaker. Women aren't the only individuals who can take part in this hobby. Men might be efficient at making jewelry too. You can then sell what you make at art shows, art shows and also on a website like Etsy. You are able to really supplement your revenue this enjoyable hobby.

Jigsaw puzzles certainly are a hobby. You will discover a variety of different difficulties available. You can even laminate them as unique artwork at home. Transform it into a little harder each and every time one is done.

In case you have a hobby, it adds interest and enjoyment to reality. Make use of the tips here to improve the quantity of enjoyment you sense when conducting your hobby. You could have positive results using the hobby of your choice.


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It is the heaviest element known to be utilized by any living organism. The word tungsten comes from the Swedish language tung sten directly translatable to heavy stone Tungsten was identified as a new element in 1781, and first isolated as a metal in 1783.
Its essential ores consist of wolframite and scheelite. The free element is remarkable for its robustness, especially the fact that it has the highest melting point of all of the elements. Also remarkable is its high density of 19.3 times that of water. However, very pure tungsten, although still hard, is more ductile, and can be cut with a hard-steel hacksaw.

Tungsten rings are virtually scratch proof and consequently will not ever lose their shine, the ring is meant to last forever. Good quality tungsten jewelry has a brilliant mirror finish and is slightly darker in color when in comparison to platinum. Jewelry produced from tungsten is more durable to constant use even during outdoor activities like water sports and does not loose its shine by sweating or continuous skin contact.

Tungsten is one of the hardest materials on the Planet Earth. Tungsten rings are the most wear resistant rings accessible on the planet. Tungsten is about 10 times harder than 18K Gold, five times harder than tool steel, and 4 times harder than titanium. Tungsten measures between 8 and 9 on the Mohs hardness scale.
(Diamonds are a ten - the highest.) Tungsten signifies strength, tenacity and hardness. Due to their intense hardness, Tungsten Rings will hold their shape and shine longer than any ring on the market. Tungsten Carbide does not scratch, dent or chip, will always look new and doesn't need polishing.

Lasts decades, not years. Finish is comparable to platinum or rhodium A ring of Tungsten won't bend. Exploding in popularity! At ebay store stylejewelry, we are featuring a carbon fibre design, it's the perfect addition to any man's collection. We've produced hundreds of custom tungsten ring designs.


Some may doubt the power of that advertisement series. I submit to you this: how many parodies, how many youtube views, how many comments, how many blog posts, how many facebook statuses do you think that advertisement generated? It became a meme. That's a lot of people talking about your advertisement.
Which means Old Spice is on a lot of minds. Which in turn means when those minds go shopping...

You get the picture. The thing is, Old Spice did something great. They associated their brand with humor which appeals to a vast majority of their market. But not only did their joke get a lot of laughs, it went viral. Before you knew it there was talk about it everywhere.

There were parodies, there were other actual advertisements- the most notable one coming to mind is the advertisement for a college library that perfectly mimics the style of the old spice commercial. Their commercial had that much of an impact on their consumer base that they actually tried and succeeded in recreating and imitating the commercial.

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
The beef in this viral sandwich... ok that was kind of gross. Let me try that again. The power behind viral media is inherently embedded within the annals of the internet. The internet is a living, thriving creature. It's almost unpredictable. Almost. But if you have a keen eye- with the analytically accurate data to back it up, and a creative mind- with the skills, technique, and finesse to create an ingenious advertisement that caters to the fads and trends of today then you can put a saddle on that internet horse and ride it into the sunset.

One more thing. I forgot to mention. Old Spice actually did a series of web-advertisements on youtube featuring the actor from the commercial. They contributed in the viral spread. Pretty cool, eh?


See all 10 photos Source: Christen Roberts Comer Auctions for Vintage Fabrics 2+ Yards x 44" Vintage Floral Cotton Quilt Fabric Flowers Blue White
Buy Now SuppliesYou'll need a few supplies. I recommend getting them from a hardware store, as their prices are always more reasonable than a craft store. The fabric, of course, will be from a craft store (most likely), but you can also get your fabric from unexpected places: an old shirt that has a pattern you adore and a stain you hate, vintage sheets, old dresses, etc.

Staple gun

Small hammer

Screw in hooks and eyes

A piece of wood of your choosing (the piece shown here is beveled on the edges. My original idea was to paint it, but that never came to fruition; therefore, your piece, covered in fabric, does not have to have nice edges). I recommend your wood be at least a half inch thick so your hooks and eyes will fit in the wood without compromising their ability to hold jewelry or hang on the wall. My wood measures 9x7.

Enough fabric to cover your wood

A small pair of scissors to trim your fabric

A pen, unless you really trust your eye to line up the hooks
See all 10 photos Source: Christen Roberts Comer Let's Start!Using your staple gun and a firm grip, staple the fabric to the back side of the wood. I made the fabric as taut as I could. Feel free to use as many staples as you see fit. If your piece is round on the corners like mine, pull the corner of the fabric diagonally toward the center of the board and staple down, then pull the side pieces directly across, horizontally. This should minimize puckered edges.
See all 10 photos Source: Christen Roberts Comer Trim your fabric edges. Too much fabric will cause the wood to push out from the wall when it comes time to hang it. This is also a good way to go over your stapling work and identify any fabric that is too loose.
See all 10 photos Source: Christen Roberts Comer Choose your placement, and decide - finally - what it is you want this to accommodate. I have a few bracelets. Some are wire, some are metal with gems; bracelets also tend to be larger than necklaces (mine are, at least), so I decided I would put two large hooks at the top of my piece, which I am mounting in a landscape position. Unfortunately, these hooks are not large enough to fit larger acrylic or plastic bracelets on, but I can easily fit a few of my others on one hook.
Use a pen if you need to, being sure to align the hooks carefully so one is not higher than the other (though this is a pleasing look for some people). This is also where your hammer comes in. With a few small taps, you can start your way to screwing the hook into the wood.
See all 10 photos Source: Christen Roberts Comer Determine, again, your placement for the necklace hooks. I wanted symmetry and squished them closer together than I had originally intended. Fortunately, it worked out okay. Using a ruler to align them, I drew small dots on the fabric at the point of the screws. Screw them in!
See all 10 photos Source: Christen Roberts Comer See all 10 photos Source: Christen Roberts Comer Almost done! Now, using two "eye" pieces of your hook & eye set, screw them in the top. I put my closer to the edge that will be against the wall, but not so close that the eye pokes through the wood.
See all 10 photos Source: Christen Roberts Comer Finally, line hooks up on your wall to match the placement of your eyes and hang! If you have a large collection, different pattern would look marvelous.
See all 10 photos Enjoy!Source: Christen Roberts Comer Stanley TR45K Light Duty Staple Gun Kit Buy Now Walnut Hollow Pine French Provincial Signboard, 6 by 10 by 0.63-Inch Buy Now Silhouette Fabric Blade Buy Now Do It Yourself!DIY Mason Jars: Thirty-Five Creative Crafts and Projects for the Classic Container Buy Now
